There is no doubting the reason for two commuters being here. It's work travel. The suit and tie, the briefcases, the smart attire and not a handbag in sight are all the evidence I need.
If I were to hazard I guess, I'd say it was early morning at some outlying platform. The man, who catches the train here every morning has never said hello to the woman before being way too shy. This morning however he takes a chance.
'Looks like it might rain today' he suggests hoping to break the ice.
She looks up, sighs and without saying a word wonders to herself if she should have brought an umbrella.
Out of earshot the platform attendant checks the track in his own little world.
... bronzies by Tomm Otterness, 'Other Worlds', Hamad International Airport
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Waiting For The Train' 6s f/22 ISO800 16mm