Spiders are the bane of may peoples lives.
No matter how tiny, and this critter is less than 5mm across, the word 'spider' sends shivers down spines and sends people running. Ok so they are not the prettiest members of the animal kingdom but they have just as special a place as the birds and the fish and the other beautiful animals we love. Speak with any expert in the area of bugs and spiders and all you will hear is wonder and excitement at how amazing these creatures are.
This image was a challenge as a hand held shot. Normally for a macro image like this a tripod would be used to allow for maximum natural light. AS I did not have this luxury it was all strobe. One strobe on the camera and another slave strobe in my hand to fill in light and give depth to the image. All settings, camera and strobes, manually configured. Because of the shiny exoskeleton it was impossible to avoid the specular highlights which are technically not desirable and get an acceptable overall image. Still I am happy with the result from a hand held shot.
Photo: Robert Rath, '366 Days of 2012, Day 329 - Waiting for Dinner'. 1/160 f/16 ISO500 100mm strobes x2