The beach is a wonderful place to make images.
Once you have had your fill of jetties, sun-sets and seagulls you start to notice how visually dynamic a place for images it is. There is a never ending parade of new joggers, dogs, sea-birds, boats, kites, sailboard, weddings, picnics, etc, etc,etc. I'm sure I could make a new image there every day for a year and each would be as fresh as the last.
For this image the light was low, my ISO high and my aperture wide open. As the petrel came into view I new I'd only get one shot thanks to the less than ideal focusing on my camera. Fortunately luck favors the persistent!
Photo: Robert Rath, '366 Days of 2012, Day 186 - Johnathan Livingston Petrel'. 1/1250s f/2.8 ISO-1600 200mm