There's only one thing I enjoy more than kicking back at the end of a day with a fishing rod and quiet beach. Ok, actually there are heaps of things but one of them is capturing scenes like this to share.
Just a moment or two looking into a scene brings a little of what it might be like being there. Not the crappy parts like being bitterly cold, hungry or not catching any fish. We select the parts of an image we do, or want to relate with: peace and quiet, beautiful sea and sky, no demands.
As a photographer I want to share a feeling I have when I am seeing the world in any moment. The stronger and more powerful the feeling the more I want to share and the better my chance to capture some of that feeling in an image.
Enjoy the end of one of my perfect days!
Photo: Robert Rath, '366 Days of 2012, Day 162 - Perfect Day'. 5s at f/11 ISO1000 15mm