The Potato Cod,
Epinephelus tukula, is one of the largest members of the groper family. Cod Hole, out on the Northern Great Barrier Reef, is renowned for its family of curious Potato Cod who make this a special location for all who visit.
This was our last dive of the trip and we were not disappointed. It was a beautiful, picture-perfect dive. Big cod, sharks, rays and the most amazing coral gardens. We lingered here for as long as we dared as the current became stronger and stronger. Finally we decided it was time to return to the boat.
As all divers are taught we had done the right thing and dived up-current during the dive. By the time we decided to end the dive the current was so strong we could no longer make any headway anyway.
The swim back to the boat took only a couple of minutes and as we neared I could tell we only had one shot. Racing in at 6m, we caught the first shot line on the port side of the boat. The current was so strong now it started dragging us to the surface. Still hanging on to the port shot line at 3m we grabbed the starboard line of the deco-bar and there Jennifer and I stayed locked together flapping wildly in the current. A minute later we had worked our way up to the starboard ladder and back on board. Hearts racing, adrenalin pumping - but smug at the fact that we did not have to be chased all over the ocean by the tenders like some of the other divers - we said our farewells to the Potato Cod of the Cod Hole!
Until the next post, take care out there and keep diving ( if that's what you do! ) ...Robert
Photo: Robert Rath C5060 1/30s at f/6.7 ISO200 Inon UWL100-28AD Lens and D2000 Strobe