I can't believe it has been nearly a month since my last post! This last weekend we were in Edithburgh again with a group of nine Open Water students. Even with 11 degrees, wetsuits and less than 2m visibility, they were a fantastic and enthusiastic group. Well done!
Despite the teaching, the cold and poor visibility, we still managed a few "fun" dives and captured some lovely images. The photo for this post is a very awesomely cute Southern Dumpling Squid,
Euprymna tasmanicas.
The amazing thing about the Southern Dumpling squid is that it produces light from an organ in its gill cavity. This organ contains bacteria that glow in the dark, and the dumpling squid uses this light to hide its silhouette from below by exactly matching the light from above. Very impressive camouflage technology!
On Sunday afternoon, my old mate David Bryant from Seapics
http://www.seapics.com.au/ joined us for a dusk dive after having driven non-stop from Melbourne that morning.
David and some of his friends have come over to dive with the Whyalla cuttlefish, so it was a great chance to catch up and dive together again after some 12 or more years.
Until the next post, take care out there, keep diving ( if that's what you do! ) ...Robert
Photo: Robert Rath C5060 1/45s at f/8 ISO200 Lens UCL165AD Macro, Inon D2000 Strobe