Adelaide has not always had an international airport. I remember when international travel for those from this city meant a domestic flight to Melbourne or Sydney to commence their international travel.
In 1982 for the first time we could travel directly from Adelaide to Singapore or Kuala Lumpur from not much more than a cobbled set of prefabricated buildings. 2005 was the year we actually decided to create an international airport terminal we could be proud of combining international and domestic facility into the one large purpose built facility. Finally now in 2012 they have built the car park some say was needed back in 2005 or should that have been a better public transport and access solution. I'll leave that debate open.
This image was taken from the international public arrivals space.
Photo: Robert Rath, '366 Days of 2012, Day 326 - Adelaide International'. 1/125s f/14 ISO160 17mm