I actually created this image early in my 1000 images project but for some reason it never made it into the collection even though I have shown it before.
On reflection it would be a pitty to not include one of Adelaide's most popular and accessible dive sites so it's now officially number 980.
There is a little bit of history behind this image I'd like to share.
I submitted 'My Very Own Fish Bowl' to a well known US Celebrity Photographer's show for a blind critique. He looked at it, scratched his head and asked if he was looking at an aquarium shot before seeming being critical of people who take photos into aquariums.
Oh well, maybe if I have called it something like 'Killer Piranhas' I would have avoided the prejudiced reception.
For me this image captures so much of what I love about scuba diving Port Noarlunga Jetty.
Huge schools of sweep and silver drummer to entertain the new divers training here. A tranquil protected space behind the reef to simply relax, shakedown gear not used often enough and the anticipation of what lies on the other side.
I really do feel like it's my very own fish bowl!
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Day 980, My Very Own Fish Bowl', 1/160s f/7.1 ISO400 15mm