Having a studio with fixed lighting is the mainstay of the professional photographer and no wonder, the level of control over light is amazing!
That being said, the definition of 'a studio' is up for grabs when the dining room table gets lit with strategically placed torches, a translucent umbrella and a little timed management of the light switch.
I have so many curious variations of this image with light from all angles, creating or filling shadows, illuminating nooks or highlighting surfaces. This final image used one fixed torch resting on an egg carton behind a white translucent umbrella, a LED utility torch constantly moving being the subject and the normal dining room lighting turned off halfway though the exposure.
The result; a unique image of a bunch of pencils. It is after all, all about the light!
Photo: Robert Rath, '366 Days of 2012, Day 282 - The Butt of Colour'. 25s f/32 ISO200 100mm macro