It's not the beautiful reflection in the glass that has captured this little jumping spider's attention. It's the moth safely on the other side.
I watched this little spider for quite some time as he stalked around in circles, dumbfounded as to the the reason the moth kept eluding him. I was half tempted to help him out for the sake of a photo and as he must be quite hungry given the shrunken size of his abdomen. At least the little moth is safe for today.
A brief attempt to identify him in nearly 5000 species of jumping spiders in Australia was overwhelming. Perhaps the genus
Hasarius and wild guess at
Hasarius adansoni (Adanson's House Jumper). I could be lucky!

Have a look for yourself at
Salticidae, Jumping Spiders.
Photo: Robert Rath, '366 Days of 2012, Day 55 - Eensie Weensie Predator'. 1/200 sec at 200mm (macro) f/25, ISO 400 + Strobe