This photograph taken of a clutch of Anemone Fish eggs clearly shows a bunch of youngsters patiently awaiting their escape into the world. These eggs were attached to a smooth rock on top of which was large Anemone along with doting parents.
When I took this photo the detail was not evident. Later on it was obvious how much detail there was in the developing babies. I have included a detailed close-up of a small section which really emphasise this. Next time I come across a clutch of eggs like this I plan on taking macro images.
So where are Mum and Dad? Jennifer was fighting them off while I took this photograph!
Until the next post, take care out there and keep diving ( if that's what you do! ) ...Robert
Photo: Robert Rath C5060WZ 1/90s at f/8 ISO100, Inon D2000 Strobe