If your are starting to suffer RSI from removing backscatter from your images then you might like to look at this tutorial by Daniel Brown of
In his article Daniel provides an Adobe Action which largely automates the process. There is still some work required hence the need to watch the video tutorial at
To do this yourself you will need a copy of Daniel's Actions,
http://www.downloadculture.com/uw/backscatter.zip or here
I have spent a little time now with this tool and it is very effective for some kinds of images. It is especially useful for silhouettes where the backscatter is not mixed in with the detail. If there is a lot of detail where the backscatter exists then it's back to the old tools such as the clone stamper or the healing brush ... and the RSI!
Until the next post, take care out there and keep diving ( if that's what you do! ) ...Robert