The Ex-HMAS Hobart is one of Australia's best naval wreck dives. This Adam's class guided missile destroyer was sunk here in 2002 as an eco-tourism draw card.
At over 130m long there's a lot of wreck to dive on. Much of the wreck is in the 15-25m region which gives lots of bottom time. Still plan at least 10 dives to see it properly!
This photograph was taken in one of the engine rooms at around 23m.
As my first 'fun' dive for the year and my first dive on the Hobart with my camera, it was a fantastic way to kick-start 2008.
Until the next post, take care out there and keep diving ( if that's what you do! ) ...Robert
Photo: Robert Rath C5060 1/30s at f/6.7 ISO200 Inon UWL100-28AD Lens