This Blue Devil,
Paraplesiops meleagris seems quite at home here in the silty wreckage of the S.S. Clan Ranald. One of our most beautiful (if not one of our grumpiest looking) local inhabitants, the Blue Devil finds itself at home in caves, under deep ledges and of course in conveniently located shipwrecks.
It was one of those dives where the visibility was not really good enough for those classic panoramic wreck shots but I still wanted to capture the feel of the wreck. Photos inside nooks and crannies don't usually work out that well but this time I got lucky. Placing my camera down into a hole and around the corner I took this shot completely blind. I believe 'The Force' was strong in me that dive!
Until the next post, take care out there and keep diving ( if that's what you do! ) ...Robert
Photo: Robert Rath C5060 1/30s at f/8.0 ISO100 Lens UWL100-28AD Inon D2000 Strobe