It's amazing the things you almost swim past without seeing!
We were at 20m and I spotted a sea cucumber down at 30m which demanded my photographic attention. No sooner had I positioned myself for a photo when an adjacent rock transformed into very put-out cuttlefish wanting to be photographed instead! Notice the orange lump in the bottom left of the picture, that's all the attention the sea cucumber got!
The Broadclub Cuttlefish,
Sepia latimanus is the second largest cuttlefish species after our local Giant Cuttlefish
Sepia apama, growing to 50 cm in mantle length. This guy is widely distributed in Northern Australian and Indo-Pacific waters and is the most common cuttlefish species on coral reefs. Please checkout
CephBase for more information.
Also notice the sea grass in the background? Sea grass at 30m you ask? It turned out to be Garden Eels and yet another wonderful photo opportunity.
Until the next post, take care out there and keep diving ( if that's what you do! ) ...Robert
Photo: Robert Rath C5060 1/30s at f/4.8 ISO100 Inon D2000 Strobe