This absolutely stunning nudibranch
Chromodoris annae was one of the photographic highlights of our trip last year to Milne Bay, PNG.
This little guy is often found on open rock walls and reef faces where it feeds on aplysilid sponges. This photo was taken on a section of deep exposed reef at about 20m.
A quick look around the Web will show that this is one of the most photgraphed of the tropical nudibranchs. Have a look at
SeaSlug.info for more info.
Until the next post, take care out there and keep diving ( if that's what you do! ) ...Robert
Photo: Robert Rath C5060 1/45s at f/5.6 ISO100 Inon D2000 Strobe
This beautiful nudibranch, Chromodoris elisabethina, or possibly , Chromodoris annae, was one of several different species we found at Pixie Pinnacle during our Minke trip. The distinctive brocken black stripe down the back is normally associated with
Tracked: Apr 30, 13:18
This beautiful nudibranch, Chromodoris elisabethina, or possibly , Chromodoris annae, was one of several different species we found at Pixie Pinnacle during our Minke trip. The distinctive broken black stripe down the back is usually associated with ..
Tracked: May 01, 01:19