Today being the last Sunday in October heralds the beginning of "Daylight Savings Time" for us. With it brings all the mucking about in moving forward all things which have clocks in them. Once this used to be a bedside clock and a couple of watches but now includes all manner of gadgets and gear such as camera's, ovens, VCR's, radios, toys and so on and so on! At least with modern computers we are spared the angst as they mostly do this automatically.
As in the past I set the time on my new phone one hour forward before I went to bed last night. I also set the alarm for 7am as I needed to be up early. So it transpired that my new "Smart Phone" had come of age becoming "Daylight Savings Aware". It diligently moved itself one hour forward of its own accord in the wee small hours. A 6am Sunday morning rude awakening heralded the fact that my phone was now an hour ahead and smarter than I expected.
Being woken an hour early was no big deal really, but I wonder how many meetings, plane flights, appointments and deadlines will be missed 5 months from now when these new "Smart Phones" catch out the unaware by moving the time back again! At least I'll be ready.