This week's photo, a Porcelain Anemone Crab
Neopetrolisthes ohshimai, was taken last week during a trip to Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea ( are you green with envy yet!

). This beautiful crab is actually an imposter, not a true crab but a close relative to the lobster. Like the Clownfish, this crab has developed an immunity to anemone stings and is usually found within the stinging tentacles of a number of anemone species.
It was sheer bliss to spend a week diving the warm waters of Milne Bay aboard Mike Ball's Paradise Sport. The diving was stunning, the service was second to none, the food was superb and the accommodation excellent! Diving, diving, diving. Even after 5 days we still had no problem fronting bleary-eyed on the deck at 7am for the first dive of the day.
Ok, back to reality and some cold water again but the planning to venture north again has begun!
Until the next post, take care out there and keep diving ( if that's what you do! ) ...Robert