Ok so it's the start of winter and as the water gets colder the neoprene gets thicker, the gloves get donned and the hood gets worn in a kind of claustrophobic sufferance.
By now thoughts of exotic warm dive locations are distant memories and the shine of the idea of being a diver is starting to dull. Ten seconds later and as the sky disappears behind a choppy curtain so do all those little reasons why it is no fun to dive in winter.
Onece I am down there in that alien world I have forgotten the preparation, forgotten the hours driving, forgotten the weight of all the gear and even forgotten the cold. It is a privilege that I treasure.
Now I wonder what the gentleman looking down from above is thinking. Is he wondering what it's like to dive?
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Wondering What It's Like To Dive' 1/125s f/11 ISO320 15mm