It was one of those occasions where it was tempting to spend a night indoors rather than donning an already cold and wet wetsuit and heading back into the water.
The wind had come up to a good 15knots and visibility was rapidly disappearing but I decided that a macro dive should be possible even in these poor conditions. Once under all my concerns whether I would enjoy the dive disappeared. Yes the conditions were poor for photography but I saw plenty of interesting critters and got a couple good shots.
My favourite critter for the dive was this little nudibranch (
Doriopsilla carneola) and its teeny weeny hitchhiking amphipod. At first I though the amphipod would not linger long but as I watched for quite some time the little hitchhiker stayed put intent on getting maximum mileage from its host.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Teeny Weeny Hitchhiker' 1/125s f/14 ISO320 100mm+20mmExt