Welcome to the world of TomTom Plug-ins. Be prepared to make, break, fix and play with your TomTom if you venture down this route. The destination? Well that's up to you. Let's just say that looking at a skewed raster image on my screen is not a welcoming sight and that tiny little hole at the base of the unit for resetting is a godsend.
So if you are determined and need to play then try the the plug-ins at Webazar TomTom Pulg-ins for starters.
One final tip which may save some anguish is to play with plug-ins using an external SD card (for those which have them) rather then the TomTom internal memory, otherwise BACK UP before playing.
Until next time keep tinkering! ...Robert
Monday, February 11. 2008
TomTom Plug-ins
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