Saturday, March 29. 2025
It’s been a very long time since I photographed a Henley Beach sunset. Tonight I nearly didn’t.
I was in fact about to mow the lawn when I noticed the light around me strike the building as it emerged beyond the blanket of ominous cloud above. The lawn was soon forgotten, tripod located and to the beach I went.
Henley beach was mayhem. A balmy, almost tropical, 30 degrees on a Friday night was an attraction to be experienced and the result was people everywhere doing just that.
Four lads engaged in a game of beach volley ball soon grabbed my attention and I ending up watching this beautiful Henley Beach sunset through the net and the players.
#henleybeach #volleyball #sunset #goldenhour #sport #jetty #fun #clouds #beach
Tuesday, March 11. 2025
This beautiful sunset scene looking out over the wild Atlantic ocean contains some of the most amazing diving I have been privileged to experience.
My very first dive here in Ireland was on Skellig Michael, that pyramid on the distant horizon. I could not have wished for a more profound introduction to Irish diving.
From there we’ve done many dives on Little Skellig, also on the horizon, the famous Puffin Island to the far left, Bray Head just below the sunset, Long Island in the middle left and Horse Island to the middle right.
This one image captures the playground of most of my diving in the last 12 months. Some of my dives have been amazing feasts of gin clear visibility and massive underwater structures in 40m of water while other dives have been simply, character building and only served to increase my bond with and trust of the skills of my diving buddies.
Diving here as introduced to me to the amazing creatures of these waters including whales, basking sharks, seals and all the local fishes.
I am truly grateful for being introduced to the wonderful members of the Kerry Subaqua Club and for them taking me under their wing and sharing with me this amazing part of the Wild Atlantic Way.
portmagee #skelligmichael #theskelligs #brayhead #puffinisland #aerial #longisland #horseisland #travel #ireleand #wildatlanticway #sunset #blackandwhite #kerrysubaqua
Wednesday, March 5. 2025
Across the beautiful Lough Leane stands Shehy Mountain silhouetted by a sneak peek of sunshine. The mountains of Kerry are gorgeous and are the highest in all Ireland.
Ireland’s mountains are not high by world standards. Shehy Mountain reaches 762m. Tommies Mountain to the right is even smaller at 735m and between those two peaks, hidden from view in the distance, is the famous Carrantuohill, Ireland’s highest mountain at 1082m.
They may not be high but no one would argue against their world class beauty.
#killarney #loughleane #Shehy #Tommies #mountains #ireland #travel #silhouette
Wednesday, February 5. 2025
The tide was neither out nor in and I’m not sure which way the water moved. But the evidence of its daily movement, in and out is clearly evident.
It you were unaware of the aerial perspective you might imagine a leaf rotting in the mud or a fallen tree long after being felled. It’s the little ripples that give away the true story as they cut perpendicular to the ebb or flow.
I wonder what comes first? Is the bifurcation of paths on the rising tide as the water seeks the lowest path to high ground or the merging of rivulets finding their way back out to sea.
#inchydoney #beach #tidal #flats #aerial #bifurcation #abstract #tides #sand #ireland
Tuesday, February 4. 2025
This was my first whiskey sour in a Dublin bar and wow that ice cube had my attention from the moment my drink was served.
I don’t normally post images of my food and drink when out and about but this creation was so simple and so beautiful I had to make an exception.
#whiskeysour #drinks #bars #cocktails #ice #ice-cube #mixers
Monday, February 3. 2025
While this image may have its technical flaws, I'm not that concerned as it is my first foray back into technical imaging after many years.
Recently, a club presentation on night photography, hyper-focal distance, and focus stacking sparked my curiosity. I set out to find a solution, whether hardware, software, or app, that could simplify the focus stacking process beyond manual refocusing and shooting.
The market offered plenty of options involving hardware solutions or USB-to-PC connections. However, I specifically wanted wireless control, which eliminated USB options. While many apps seemed promising, they required Bluetooth connectivity, which wasn't compatible with my WiFi-only camera.
After brainstorming with OpenAI's ChatGPT, it suggested RupiApps might have a solution that could communicate with my camera over WiFi. Though ChatGPT couldn't confirm if it would meet all my needs, I decided to give it a try.
Enter Camera Pro Control, and what a discovery it was! After installation and configuration, I found exactly what I'd been looking for. The app's interface made it effortless to set up the camera, define focal limits, specify the number of spanning frames, and sequence the capture. This particular image comprises 20 frames, starting from the engraved case-back and working down to the screws beneath the escapement.
And for those wondering what makes the Airman tick? At its heart beats a Selita SW330-1 movement.
#macro #watches #mechanical #glycine #airman #rupiapps #cameraprocontrol #focusstacking
Sunday, February 2. 2025
If you have ever grown carrots in your backyard garden, not pulled them from the ground but watched them flower and grow to seed you might noticed the resemblance.
This is not a carrot flower but a close relative, Ammi majus, the Bishop's Flower.
Well before Christianity and it’s current day namesake, this plant was used as a remedy for skin disorders such as psoriasis, eczema, and vitiligo (their modern names). My late mum suffered from vitiligo. Perhaps Bishop's Flower may have helped.
Once a symbol of light and healing, a useful medicinal herb and because of its effect on skin pigmentation when exposed to sunlight, Bishop’s Flower became associated with light, transformation, and divine intervention.
While it is admired for its beauty, its rich history in medicine and folklore are left quietly in the past.
#botanical #herbal #medicine #bishopsflower #nature #flowers #macro #medicine #ammimajus
Saturday, February 1. 2025
For a technical, pixel-peeping photographer, (like someone I know), there’s a wonderful freedom in simply turning the focus ring until it just feels right.
I’d been carrying my camera unused for most of my walk. The light was fading, the last rays of sunlight filtering through the trees. What the heck, just take a photo, I told myself.
The golden light was beautiful, but through the viewfinder, the scene felt uninspiring. Then, for a brief moment, I lost focus, literally. The auto-focus hunted way off, and suddenly, something in that blurry image caught my eye. Wow, that’s interesting.
Inspired by this serendipity, I switched to manual focus. Slowly, I turned the focus ring, watching the image change, until it just felt right. Click.
This image was that moment.
#bokeh #abstract #f/6.3 #sunset #goldenhour #blurry #focus #focusblur
Sunday, January 12. 2025
The chaos which began last Sunday, resulted in thousands of people in Ireland without water, electricity or any means of transport from where they had been snowbound. Some even slept in their cars on the Dublin to Cork motorway until they could be rescued.
We were snowbound too but lucky enough to have all we needed to be comfortable at home.
By Tuesday the snow had begun to recede but the temperature drop which followed turned the thawing roads into un-navigable glaciers of sheet ice. By Friday the temperature rose, the ice thawed and normality returned.
Despite the chaos, and putting aside the personal hardship borne by many, it was beautiful time all the same.
#Ireland #mallow, #now #winter #thaw #tinyplanet #aerial #ice #evening
Tuesday, January 7. 2025
Just before that wintry blast from the North that covered half of Ireland in snow, bringing many counties to a standstill, we had an amazing clear night and starlit night.
The following morning every kind of frost imaginable adorned leaves, grass, and ground cover. Even old flowers holding on from Autumn were transformed by amazing jewels of ice, refracting light into all of the colours of the rainbow.
The grass was just amazing too; just not the part lying down to capture it.
#Macro #frost #grass #bokeh #refraction #winter #abstract
Friday, January 3. 2025
Such a sight to see that silver sliver emerging from the new moon. Almost always near the horizon, that silver is deceptively hard to capture.
With my eyes I could clearly see the full circle of that dark orb. A trick of our brain making us think we can see the dark and light of the moon at the same time.
With the right setup of bracketed images maybe I could reconstruct that image of my minds eye. But again it would be same trick our brains already do so well.
So to keep it simple with a single image, this silver silver is all the camera could perceive.
#crescent #moon #toenailmoon #astrophotography #waxing
Thursday, January 2. 2025
Even in the depths of winter Ireland’s coastline is beautiful. Despite the rain and the icy wind, Inchydoney Beach beckons and a few fortified souls are happy to be in the midst of it.
I’ve been told there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. Still, you had to be prepared and so today we were content to play cat and mouse with the rain and just enjoy the day and the beach as we found them.
Still, I think I’ll end up preferring these Inchydoney tides without the hordes that will descend on this beach come the next summer holidays.
#clonakilty #cork #inchydoney #landscape #seascape #beach #ireland #aerial
Tuesday, December 31. 2024
With the last light of the year’s penultimate afternoon nearly gone we headed west out of Baltimore following a simple little signpost labelled ‘Beacon’.
We were hoping for a sunset, or maybe a quiet vantage out over the wild Atlantic. No sooner had we reached the Beacon than it seemed half of Baltimore and their dogs chose to join us.
They did not stay long. Maybe it was the biting wind, or the sun lost in cloud, the fading light or maybe it was the lure of a warm pub back in town.
I took a moment to capture this Beacon of the Wild Atlantic Way with the twinkling lights of Baltimore in the distance and then we joined them.
#baltimore #westcork #cork #ireland #wildatlanticway #beacon #thebeacon #seascape #landscape #aerial #coastline
Sunday, December 29. 2024
Lying on the floor and looking straight up is the beautiful vaulted ceiling of Dublin City Hall.
Beneath me, Dublin’s Coat of Arms reminds all who can read Latin, that "the obedience of the citizens produces a happy city".
The irony was not lost on me in that it took just a little bit of civil disobedience to create this image.
… facimus quod faciendum est.
#Architecture #dublin #cityhall #dublincityhall #ceiling #windows #mandala &abstract; ireland
Wednesday, December 11. 2024
In Ireland now it’s winter, it’s cold, the light is low and the ocean’s grey scorn has about as much appeal as hiking in mud. Still I miss her.
On some dives the visibility is poor to the point of blindness. On some dives the green haze of plankton is disorients like deep fog. On some dives it’s so dark it is hard to believe the sun even exists. Still I miss her.
Some dives are like exploring caverns that have never seen daylight even thought the surface still exists somewhere above. Still I miss her.
It’s lovely when the water is clear, the sky is blue and the sun shines with a vengeance but only a diver really gets it down here and feels how amazing this dark and gloomy world really is.
#scuba #diving #kerry #portmagee #kerrysubaquaclub #gloom #dark #deep #monochrome
Monday, December 9. 2024
Back in September we found ourselves in Kilkenny and unexpectedly in the middle of the final stage of the of the 2024 Rás na mBan.
Here at the start I found a moment and a place that really captures the feel of the event. It’s no surprise that none of the visible riders placed at the finish line but in my image at least they have pride of place.
#action #cycling #ireland #kilkenny #racing #roadcycling #sports #womenscycling
Saturday, December 7. 2024
Something old, something new, something borrowed and a hint of blue. So what has any of this got to do with a dropped pin? Nothing actually.
Some time back a friend and I set ourselves a little project. Drop a pin somewhere on the map, go there and be creative with a camera while taking inspiration from a photographic master of the past.
Our first attempts at a random dropped pin led to impossible places, like the roofs of factories or inaccessible private property. My final attempt, a little more forgiving, consisted of dropping a random sized circle on the map and then allowing the choice of anywhere on that circle.
My random circle luckily intersected with a cool and quirky cafe in Cork called Lab82 where I found a porcelain skull in the window. My muse for the project was the 20th century visual artist Man Ray, who with his partner Lee Miller accidentally developed the photographic technique of solarization. Finally I had my subject, my muse and my vision.
Rather than using any photo editing tool I came up with my own interpretation of the style. From there I’ll let you decide what’s old, what’s new, what I’ve borrowed and if there really is any blue.
#Droppedpin #abstract #art #lab82 #cork #manray #solarisation #surrealism
Wednesday, November 27. 2024
If there ever was any doubt of winter’s coming, then Wednesday’s snowfall across half of Ireland put that to rest. I never got to see how the early flurry affected towns and cities or even the south western coast. We got our own personal show rendering us snowbound and going nowhere.
Soon the images started to appear, from the icing topping of the Cliffs of Moher to country towns rendered silent white. For some of us lucky (or not so lucky) to be able to work remotely it was pretty much business as usual. Even so, I still managed to sneak out for a little white winter bliss.
#abstract #aerial #dji #snow #winter #ireland #christmas #tinyplanet
Saturday, November 23. 2024
Yesterday we had our first decent snowfall for the year and it’s not even winter yet.
With a good 10 cm covering the surrounds it was easy to imagine we had gone to sleep in one country and woken in another.
Once the snow had finally stopped falling it was time to go out and play!
#abstract #circle #footprints #snow #winter
Wednesday, November 13. 2024
Rossnowlagh beach is famous for its kilometers of open sand, walking, surfing, swimming and a popular driving beach for doing donuts or simply enjoying the novelty of driving on sand.
It’s also a great big open space for flying a drone and capturing coastal scenery. Except this time the camera was pointing the other way just in time to capture the few moments of sunset and an opportunistic flyby.
#Aerial #dji #rossnowlagh #sunset #goldenhour #portrait #flyby #drone
Tuesday, November 5. 2024
There's a hidden spot on the western side of Doulus Head, County Kerry, that you could easily sail or motor past without a second glance. Like much of this rugged coastline, the jagged cliffs and seawalls don't exactly invite closer inspection - getting too near could mean being dashed to pieces on the rocks.
So it was with a mix of surprise and apprehension that I found us heading straight toward a fissure in the rock, into shadow and then darkness. Darkness, that is, until our eyes adjusted to these unexpected surroundings.
A little way in, the rocky ceiling rose dramatically, expanding into a high, vaulted roof. We had entered the inner sanctum of what locals call 'The Cathedral.'
#Ireland #doulushead #boating #scuba #diving #InbhearSceineKerrySubAquaClub #caves #seacaves #thecathedral #kerry
Tuesday, October 1. 2024
A visit to an old church always demands reverences but here in Youghal, St. Mary's Collegiate Church held a deep magic that almost brought us to tears.
At over 800 years old, the care with which it has been maintained tells everything about its importance as a place of worship, ceremony and social cohesion for the people of Youghal and its surrounds.
We lingered here for a few hours trying to get a sense of all that had taken place here. As the expression goes, ‘if only these walls could talk’.
#Youghal #StMarysCollegiateChurch #churches #architecture #ireland #travel #cork #sacred #churchofireland
Sunday, September 15. 2024
It’s not often that such an opportunity to admire a backside as beautiful as this presents itself out on the streets, Kilkenny or otherwise.
The purists would say that if it has no cylinders then it’s not worth their time but I disagree, sometimes I am happy to judge a book by its cover, or its backside.
#Ireland #bmw #kilkenny #i8 #coupe #automobile #bmwi8 #car #eyecandy
Friday, September 13. 2024
Credit to the Dubliners for the title but this jar of whiskey is in the cellars of Midleton, county Cork
And just to confuse you even more, it’s a jar of Redbreast!
The story of whiskey in Ireland is fascinating, and Midleton’s story even more, so I invite you to research Ireland’s Uisce beatha (water of life) in any responsible way you see fit.
As for me, ...
Musha-ring dumma-do-damma-da
Whack for the daddy-o
Whack for the daddy-o
There's whiskey in the jar
#Ireland #midleton #whiskey #readbreats #cellar #cork #whiskeyinthejar #dubliners
Thursday, September 12. 2024
Diving off the Kerry coast I am starting to become familiar with ‘the locals’, or as we would have said back in South Australia, ‘the usual suspects’.
The lesser spotted dogfish is now on my local list of ‘usual suspects’ and is always a welcome sight on any of my dives, ‘dog day’ or otherwise.
#lesserspotteddogfish #dogfish #scyliorhinuscaniculus #ireland #scuba #diving #underwaterphotography #fish #portrait #wildlife #kerry
Wednesday, September 11. 2024
One of Ireland’s most impressive sites of medieval architecture, The Rock of Cashel was once the seat of the kings of Munster.
One of most visited tourist attractions in Ireland, ‘The Rock’ was deserted this grey evening until a rent in the western sky let the sun stream in for our own personal experience.
#travel #therockofcashel #cashel #castle #sunset #silhouette #landscape #ireland #medieval #aerial
Tuesday, September 10. 2024
200m from the finish line of the 2024 Rás na mBan, Ireland’s premier women’s stage race, it could be anyone over the line first.
Here out in front is Netherland’s Noor Dekker. Hot on her heels is Great Britain’s Lucy Lee with Canadian, Anabelle Thomas on both their tails.
Three’s a crowd, and their can only be one winner. That final uphill 200m, to the finish outside Kilkenny Castle, was the crux of this race with Lucy Lee taking line honours.
Being here in Kilkenny for the final stage of the of the 2024 Rás na mBan was an unexpected surprise after coming here just to see an old castle.
#sports #cycling #womenscycling #RásnamBan #NoorDekker #LucyLee #AnabelleThomas #roadcycling #racing #ireland #kilkenny #action
Thursday, August 29. 2024
Just under two kilometres north east of Skellig Michael is its smaller sibling, ‘Little Skellig’ or ‘Sceilig Bheag’ in the native Irish tongue.
I first laid eyes on Sceilig Bheag seven years ago and was introduced to the home of one of the northern hemispheres largest colonies of gannet, along with its incredible accompanying smell. There were six of us that day, my wife and four of our closest Australian friends. This time I was with a group of strangers who would later become good friends.
Not more than an hour after capturing this image, I got the chance to scuba dive below Sceilig Bheag’s mysterious waterline and glimpse just a little of what she hides from the rest of the world.
From this day I become hooked on Kerry diving.
#adventure #birds #crag #freedom #gannets #ireland #island #kerry #littleskellig #ocean #portmagee #seabirds #solitude #theskelligs #travel #aerial #seascape #landscape
Monday, August 26. 2024
Over the last 6 months I have come to know the County Kerry town of Cahersiveen quite well.
As this is the home port of the Inbhear Sceine Kerry Sub Aqua Club, we have departed from here for many amazing diving adventures off the amazing South West coast of Ireland.
On top of the incredible diving, we have stayed here, we have visited the cafes, restaurants, and pubs here, and we have made friends here.
Even if you have no intentions of getting wet, Cahersiveen is a wonderful base to explore the South West of Ireland. If you are a scuba diver, the Inbhear Sceine can show you some of the very best diving to be found in all of Ireland.
#abstract #aerial #ireland #kerry #Cahersiveen #tinyplanet #wildatlanticway #skelligcoast
Sunday, August 25. 2024
Of my many different diving experiences here in Ireland, the most profound would have to be depth. My previous South Australian dives averaged 15 meters, now off the coast of Kerry, it’s more like 35.
With these depths come the loss of light, the loss of colour and the urgency of time. Below 30m, especially with turbid upper layers, the gloom becomes palpable, mysterious, teasing and inviting.
At 40 meters, and with lights, it is like night diving where the torchlight brings the underwater world to life in a video roll of incident light. There is security in that little bit of light but if you are game to turn off all lights, to hang out over deep water away from structures, and to let night vision do its thing, something magic happens.
I find it difficult to put into words that feeling of floating in a void of shadows and shapes. I seem to be aware of the bottom below and the structures around me but they have no substance, no threat, they are simply ‘there’. When the torchlight of another diver penetrates that void, the sharp relief of substance is both jarring and beautiful at the same time.
It’s been a long time since I really got to ‘feel’, diving. The magic of the gloom has brought that feeling back.
#Scuba #diving #kerry #ireland #deep #gloom #portmagee #InbhearSceineKerrySubAquaClub