Thursday, October 1. 2015
Take a close look at that speedometer and you can make a pretty good guess that this car goes really, really fast!
Don't just believe those numbers on the dial because they are there. The Audi logo on steering wheel and that intimidating R8 are really all the credentials needed.
So how fast then? How about well over three times out legal limit of 100K/hr!!!
I sure however this beast has only ever done that on a race track!
Photo: Robert Rath, 'How Fast Can You Go?', 1/15s f/1.4 ISO100 50mm
Wednesday, September 30. 2015
Spending time with my 50mm lens is like learning to see all over again (not that I ever stopped).
I think that I had become lazy with zoom lenses, enamored in the impact and drama of extreme wide angle and in many cases was relying on extreme perspective to draw attention to a scene.
The 50mm lens is forcing me to rethink what gives a scene impact or where a visual story is being told. I have to move around so much more to frame that I spend more time thinking about way I am capturing and in some ways I am developing a new respect for the really good iPhone image makers.
There will definitely be more 50mm to come.
Brighton Jetty, South Australia
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Lenswork', 1/2000s f/11 ISO100 50mm
Tuesday, September 29. 2015
I'm convinced fireworks are something that need to be seen and not photographed.
Last night we were fortunate enough to experience the OzAsia Moon Lantern Festival including the fireworks finale to the evening.
I started watching with camera to my side and felt like I was missing some great images so I quickly pulled off the lens-cap and started capturing some shots.
I realised I was now missing the full experience of fireworks so I put the camera away again and just enjoyed the show.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Just Enjoy The Show', 1/400s f/2.8 ISO1600 50mm
Sunday, September 27. 2015
Four billion years from now our sun might look a little like this except for one striking difference.
It will not have those ever changing sunspots that dance across the face of the sun as we see it in the sky today.
Well at least you would if you were looking at it through welding google strength sunglasses.
It's red in this image because I've used a filter to remove most of that yellow white light we would normally see and turn it into that future red giant we really don't want to see any time soon.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Red Giant', 1/320s f/25 400mm + filters
Saturday, September 26. 2015
I emerged from the local shops with supplies for the evening in hand and there it was in all its V10 glory.
Suburban carparks are not really conducive so photogenic car shots so here is just a close up teaser.
Those of you not familiar with Audi's R8 might not be so impressed but I was!!
Would it be too much to ask for one for Christmas!
Photo: Robert Rath, 'R8', 1/250 f/1.4 50mm
They could just keep the glassware in the freezer. That would be more efficient, more practical and save time but ...
It's all about the ice, about the ice, about the ice. It looks cool (pun intended) in the glass and is part of the ritual of authentic cocktail making.
I just wish they did not have to throw it away!
Photo: Robert Rath, 'It's all about the Ice', 1/30s f/1.4 ISO640 50mm
Friday, September 25. 2015
The expression 'on the rocks' can be good or bad depending on whether you are in a bar or on a boat.
In this building there are both and being on the rocks just adds to the effect for both. The recently rebuilt (from the rocks up) Henley Surf Life Saving Club is welcome development from the old 'shed' that once stood there and continues to play a valuable part in the local community regardless of whether you are into boats or bars or beaches.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Surf Club on the Rocks', 13s f/18 ISO160 15mm
Wednesday, September 23. 2015
Out for dinner or my play time with the 50mm lens?
I like to think I can always combine the two but enthusiasm has its limits and sometime it's best to take a quick shot and then put the camera away.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Out For Dinner', 1/80s f/1.8 ISO640 50mm
Tuesday, September 22. 2015
It was ugly, imposing and interesting. The clouds where right out of an old Spiderman television cartoon and that 'not' yet architecture could be imagined into anything at all.
And I did ...
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Gotham Constructions', 1/200s f/1.4 ISO1600 50mm
Monday, September 21. 2015
It's not everyday you see a Mini parked on the side of a building.
Unless of course it's bolted there and going nowhere.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Going Nowhere', 1/200s f/1.4 ISO1600 50mm
For all of Winter I have missed Orion in the night sky and until Summer the hunter will remain out of sight for all but the most dedicated night owls.
This is image of the hunter is quite special for me and realises, albeit only just, a goal I have had all my life. Gazing at astronomy books as a child I particularly remember one book in the school library with the amazing Horsehead Nebula gracing the front dust jacket. I have always wanted to see this Nebula for myself.
Now you have look carefully because it is only a few pixels across but there off the end of Orion's belt in pink haze is that distinctive shape I have always wanted to see.
Technically this image is far from ideal. To the left there is significant light pollution from nearby Adelaide but it also quite visibly shows Barnard's Loop (an unexpected surprise), the Fire Nebula and the Great Orion Nebula. Worth all the effort to setup and capture at three o'clock in the morning.
Now I am looking forward next time to getting a little closer.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Welcome Back Orion', 30x60s f/2.8 ISO1600 50mm
Saturday, September 19. 2015
We are into the waxing crescent stage of the lunar cycle and moonlight photography is getting easier with more available light for those evening beachscapes.
Bring on the lunar light.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Lunar Light', 2s f/10 ISO800 15mm
Friday, September 18. 2015
I am not a huge motorcycle enthusiast but I recognise a beautiful piece of machinery when I see it.
I came to be under the Morphett Street Bridge checking out the latest art and looking for something I really liked.
What caught my attention instead was not the bespoke blues and reds on a painted wall but the green and black of the machinery parked there.
The rider can't have been too far away, a jacket and helmet were just sitting on the seat so a grabbed a few shots and went on my way.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Green and Black' 1/1250s f/1.4 ISO640 50mm
Thursday, September 17. 2015
The days are getting longer, and warmer and more and more people are heading to the beach after work, school or a day just chill'n.
It's late now, the air is chilly and nearly everyone has gone home but the tell tail signs are right there in that well trodden sand.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Well Trodden' 1/10s f/17.1 ISO800 15mm
Wednesday, September 16. 2015
Ok so it isn't the TED Stage but it's not hard to imagine this Ted talking.
As for that motley crew in the background I'm sure that one of these those Teds belongs somewhere else.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Ted Talks' 1/100s f/1.4 ISO800 50mm
Tuesday, September 15. 2015
I have been spending some time now with just a simple 50mm prime lens.
The only way to zoom is by moving into a new position to frame an image the way I want it. Many times I find I just can't go back any further due to roads or buildings to get a wide view. Often I am thwarted in getting closer to the detail by fences, walls or windows. 50mm means having to work a little bit harder than I am used to.
Limitations aside I have a new found freedom in that simple 50mm prime lens. No wondering about my choice of lens or zoom. No concerns over missing a shot changing lenses and no bag of gear to lug around with me.
So when I looked up to capture this image of the new Adelaide Convention Centre extension, walked backwards over the North Terrace tram lines to frame my shot, all I really thought about was the composition and the one white car driving by.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'One White Car Seen Heading West' 1/800s f/4.0 ISO640 50mm
Monday, September 14. 2015
These beautiful flowers in my mums garden suddenly appeared one day in an unused flowerpot outside her back porch.
We can only speculate how these Mesembryanthemum came to be there. Perhaps a bird left a little gift behind a while back.
However they came to be in that vacant and unattended flowerpot they are an unexpected and beautiful gift.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Mesembryanthemum' 1/3200s f/1.4 ISO150 50mm
Sunday, September 13. 2015
At the Lotus Lounge watching the talented bar artists craft their intoxicating creations.
By the look of those olives on ice someone is about to get one dirty martini.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Getting Dirty' 1/40s f/1.4 ISO640 50mm
Thursday, September 10. 2015
Finally the winter gloom is beginning to fade, the days are getting longer and the temperature beginning to edge up.
Little by little Spring is making its way into into our world giving tantalizing hints of a Summer to come.
Not that you can tell any of this looking out into a Henley Beach sunset.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'It's Getting Nicer Now' 1/15s f/14 ISO100 15mm
After a while looking at this image I lose track of which side of the wall I am.
Am I on the inside of a darkened room with the light pouring through or on the outside looking back in.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Inside or Out' 5s f/16 ISO160 15mm
Tuesday, September 8. 2015
Ignoring the carriages and peering straight through the steelwork it's easy to forget this structure is an amusement ride.
A giant steel spiderweb or perhaps some archaic antenna searching for extraterrestrial life. In fact anything but the fun and games of a show.
I must admit however some deep and primal part of me would rather climb a structure like that. Now that would be fun.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'The SETI Wheel' 1/640 f/7.1 ISO100 15mm
Sunday, September 6. 2015
Excited murmuring ran up and own the queue as they waited apprehensively in line.
Above them yelps of joy, shrieks of horror, wailing fear and cries of exhilaration filled the sky. Soon they would know ...
They had all dreamed to fly. They were all about to find out what it just might be like.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'They All Dreamed To Fly' 1/1250 f/7.1 ISO100 15mm
Saturday, September 5. 2015
Minions, minions everywhere. It seems they are unstopped and are set to take over the Royal Adelaide Show.
You can just imagine at the end of an evening, when the people are gone, when the side-show crew has packed up for the night, when all the lights are out and the covers are down, imagine all those minions coming to life and having their own show. Now that I'd like to see!
What are the chances? One in a million and the same chances of actually winning one!
Photo: Robert Rath, 'One in a Minion' 1/320 f/7.1 ISO100 15mm
Friday, September 4. 2015
While waiting at the airport I initially thought, 'what a great place for some people/street style photography.
Once there however I felt very differently with security cameras and stern looking officials at every turn making me feel like a criminal for even holding a camera.
Lets' just say I got quite a lot of practice tying my shoelaces that morning.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Even Disney Princesses Have To Wait' 1/100 f/1.4 ISO100 50mm
Thursday, September 3. 2015
The Magpie Morwong, Cheilodactylus nigripes is one of our most common reef fish and I just happened upon this one nonchalantly hanging around.
Normally I can't get this close (needed when using a wide angle lens ) but on this occasion this guy hung there as if just saying g'day. A real poser!
Anyone not local to South Australia football might not get the title, sorry it just came out. Magpies supporters, you know who you are.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Underwater Port Supporter' 1/125 f/7.1 ISO800 15mm
I'm not giving away any secrets when I say I like my dinner guests 'hot'.
Just saying...
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Dinner Guests' 1/15 f/1.4 ISO100 50mm
Tuesday, September 1. 2015
I've tried to work out who this guy is. It could be Echinaster varicolor or perhaps Pseudonepanthia troughtoni or even Nectria ocellata.
I will leave that one up to the experts and concentrate on the shadows, the sunlight and the starfish.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Star in the Spotlight' 1/200 f/22 ISO800 15mm
Monday, August 31. 2015
There is a story in this image of dreams, and plans, a wedding, celebration, beach photos a front end loader and cyclone fencing.
I can only guess when this newly wed couple planned their special day they imagined a pristine beach, a gorgeous sunset and the romance of the iconic Henley Beach Jetty.
Little did they know they would be sharing it with the industrial reconstruction taking place there.
I'm sure their photographer was resourceful and created wonderful images for them despite the not so attractive state of the beach and its surrounds.
One moral I'm always reminded of here is to 'expect the unexpected'.
And of course congratulations to the happy couple!
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Worksite Wedding' 1/80 f/4 ISO400 200mm
Sunday, August 30. 2015
Sometime 'almost' really is good enough.
When the moon is almost full the shadowed edge has structure and detail of craters that is lost on a full moon.
When the sky is completely clear of cloud there is nothing to put context around an otherwise bright object in a black sky.
This almost full moon in an almost clear sky is good enough for me.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Almost' 1/1000 f/2.8 ISO400 200mm
Saturday, August 29. 2015
Every photographer loves the 'golden hour' for its soft light and golden tones let alone the beauty of the setting or rising sun.
I was hoping for yet another beautiful sunset but the all of the dramatic sky was to the north east so I headed out to the end of Henley Beach Jetty and looked back on a golden coastline.
The way the colours changed over the next 5 minutes was amazing as the tones shifted from deep warm gold through to the cool colours of twilight.
Oh, and the title of this image will probably only make sense if you read my last post titled 'Pixel Trap'. Thank you photons for creating my pixels.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Them Pixels' 1/200 f/10 ISO320 15mm