Monday, May 2. 2016
Cruising into Circular Quay with the Harbour Bridge on your right, the Opera House on your left and that gorgeous Sydney cityscape in prime position is an iconic experience that every visitor to Sydney should make the effort for.
On this occasion though the view was spoiled by the 'elephant in the room'. A very big, very white and very in your face elephant.
From some distance off the Royal Caribbean Explorer of the Seas is an awesome and novel sight as she sits in berth. As you get closer though the she starts to get intimidating to the point where most of Sydney is blocked from view by a massive floating wall of white painted steel.
The brochure promises adventure and to be fair I've never sailed on a cruise ship but I think I'd still prefer something a little smaller, a little rougher and a lot more real for the kind of ocean adventures I'd prefer.
Still, I think you'll agree, it's a big boat and to some size really is everything.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Big Boat', 1/640s f/8 ISO160 15mm
Sunday, May 1. 2016
When we entered the foyer of Customs House in Sydney it was busy, noisy and there were people everywhere.
Some people gazed into the atrium void above, others marveled at the scale replica model of Sydney below the glass floor.
Tour groups posed for photos while tourists in pairs or alone wielded selfie sticks to capture them selves against the historical backdrop.
All the while there was a subdued cacophony of conversations fill with an occasionally recognisable word of some other Sydney tourist attraction.
From the outside The Customs House appears every much the historic 130 year old building it has always been.
From the inside though you could be in the lobby of some modern building anywhere in the world.
From the inside only the words 'Sydney' and 'Barnet Long Room' give its identify away.
When we left many hours later we were all alone and could enjoy this space in beautiful silence.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Customs House', 1/2s f/11 ISO800 15mm
Friday, April 29. 2016
I always wondered why you had to travel North to find and catch the delicacy we grew up with, the Blue Swimmer Crab (Portunus armatus).
Living on the coast in South Australia you have to travel thousands of kilometers to the west or to the east before you can start following the coastline heading north. This is not the kind of north I refer to. Fifty kilometers north up into the Gulf of St Vincent is enough to come across blue swimmers in their hundreds.
All these years later I think I have discovered their secret, the Blue Swimmer Crab is a tropical species that has become locally trapped here in the relatively warm waters of our Spencer and St Vincent gulfs.
So next time you see these intimating crabs on a cold water South Australian dive just imagine you are in the tropics and try and convince yourself it's not so cold after all.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Blue Swimmer', 1/160s f/13 ISO320 15mm
Wednesday, April 27. 2016
The ocean is filled with monsters.
I remember when I could count my years on two hands spending holidays with extended family at a little coastal village called Port Parham.
A particular aspect of this shallow coastal location is being able to go out fishing way off the beach wearing nothing but shorts, a jumper and a sturdy pair of boots spending the entire time wading in up to chest-deep water.
After dark the adults would head out with dab nets and prongs and floating tubs of ice and beverages to fish for gar and blue swimmers often not returning until well after we had gone to bed. In the morning they would enthrall us with tales of inky black shapes swimming around them as they fished, of the monster they tried to spear which was like striking rock, and how they were thrown backwards in the wake of its escaping fury.
Every now and then a small fiddler ray was part of the catch, with accompanying stories of being harassed by its big brother as they fled back to shore.
So it is today that every time I see a Southern Fiddler Ray, (Trygonorrhina dumerilii) I am taken back to those carefree days. If there just happens to be an empty can of bourbon and cola left on the ocean floor I smirk as I imagine how the monsters got the fisherman.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Woodstock', 1/160s f/5.6 ISO160 15mm
Tuesday, April 26. 2016
There is always a school or two ... or three of Yellowtail Scad ( Trachurus novaezelandiae) cruising in and around the pylons under the old Rapid Bay Jetty.
Not so common is to find them out on the adjacent seagrass beds. It must schoolies week for Yellowtail Scad.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Schoolies', 1/160s f/8 ISO160 15mm
What's pink and fluffy and tastes great?
The pink spongy mass might look like fairy-floss but that's where the similarity ends, unless of course you are a nudibranch.
This is the first time I have found this species of nudibranch, Ceratosoma brevicaudatum, eating this particular species of sponge. Perhaps that's where it gets its pink spots from!
In this image I have used an imaging style called 'close-focus wide-angle'. Unlike most CFWA images however I have chosen to shoot wide open giving an unusually narrow depth of field for this style.
CFWA is often used to portray a subject in its larger environment however by also using a wide aperture I have separated foreground and background and created a portrait feel.
So back to the nudibranch and its spongy pink lunch on a Rapid Bay jetty pylon, I'm fairly certain it tastes nothing like fairy-floss. Though to a nudibranch, maybe it does!
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Nudi Fairyfloss', 1/160s f/2.8 ISO160 15mm
Friday, April 1. 2016
Leafy Seadragons are beautiful creatures to gaze upon but not always easy to find.
As divers we swim around looking down at the sand, down at the seagrass, down at the sponges and sea-stars and other benthic critters.
This is not the best strategy for seeing a dragon where their intricate leafy body structure blends in with the yellow algae around which they live.
Instead you need to be very close to the bottom and look up towards the sun and just maybe in contemplating the sunshine you will separate a 'leafy' from the leafs.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Contemplating the Sunshine', 1/320s f/9 ISO640 15mm
Wednesday, March 30. 2016
This forest is like non other. It's enchanted.
Take a stroll though any old forest anywhere else and the birds fly out of reach, the rodents hide out of sight while the larger animals just run away.
Take a swim through this forest though and it's like animal wonderland. Fish fly like birds and butterflies around the trunks from ground to canopy.
Larger fish cruise through the scene at eye level keeping no more than an arms length out of reach.
Still larger animals like sharks and rays wander through occasionally, wary but making no attempt to hide as they go about their business.
Every touchable surface from bottom to sky is teaming with animal life such as sponges, crabs, sea stars, ascidians and invertebrates.
This enchanted place under the old Rapid Bay Jetty is my kind of forest.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Enchanted Forest' 1/125 f/9 ISO640 15mm
Monday, March 28. 2016
With the festive break over it's back to non-photographic endeavors but at least I got to dive with this guy today to cap it off on a wonderful note.
I usually see at least one Leafy Seadragon when I dive at Rapid Bay however for a while it looked like we might miss out today.
We had traversed the outer T-section following the seagrass beds looking for pipefish and seadragons. The pipefish were abundant but no seadragons were found anywhere.
Down to a fraction of our air remaining we swam to a known dragon lair and there he was, a big male still covered in a fine film of green algae left over from his last brood of eggs.
Time to start looking for little dragons!
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Easter Leafy' 1/200s f/9 ISO640 15mm
Mr. T's got a dark secret.
Underneath that shiny gold foil-thin facade lurks another creature, a darker creature seldom seen until the very last moment.
He's not made of that insipid brown milky stuff some use as a poor excuse for chocolate.
He's dark, really dark and in a moment he will be gone.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Mr T' 25s f/6.3 ISO100 100mm
Saturday, March 26. 2016
Dreams of the ocean fade in the waking of dawn only to becomes dreams again as day fades to night.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Henley Dreaming' 1/6s f/18 ISO500 15mm
Friday, March 25. 2016
I know absolutely nothing about this man sitting here under this tree.
There he was in his strange garb with with his collection of potatoes just watching the world go by.
Strange perhaps! Not here in the Garden of Unearthly Delights.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'My Potatoes' 1/250s f/2.8 ISO800 200mm
Thursday, March 24. 2016
I first experienced Marcia Hines on stage at ... well let's just say a long time ago.
So it was a wonderful surprise to see the once crowned Australian Queen of Pop again after all these years fronting the Fringe Festival show Velvet.
Velvet was as a spectacle I would have paid money to go back a second time or even a third time. It was visually rich and full of the music which took me on a ride through all my listening life.
Even though it was great seeing the Queen of Pop again, the entire cast made Velvet a show to be remembered.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Marcia, Queen of Pop' 1/800 f/2.8 ISO1000 200mm
Monday, March 21. 2016
On the land leave only footprints.
In the ocean leave only ripples.
If only we could always live by these rules.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Leave Only Ripples' 1/640s f/11 ISO160 200mm
Sunday, March 20. 2016
There are many fishes local to a region that you will never find in an aquarium or in the fish markets or even in National Geographic.
They are either poisonous, uninteresting, commercially unviable or just plain ugly. The poor Little Scorpionfish (Maxillicosta scabriceps) seems to fall into all categories.
Those eyes however are magnificent and like the most precious of black opals they just draw you to them in wonder.
Non-divers will never see these amazing opal eyes for themselves but at least we can share a little of the unseen wonder in our local waters.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Opal Eyes' 1/100s f/22 ISO400 100mm
Our Rapid Bay night dive was meant to be about little critters, especially nudibranchs smaller than half my little finder but when this Southern Calamari (Sepioteuthis australis) came into my view I was suitably distracted.
In fact I was so distracted in the strong current that I had drifted 70m or more from the jetty pylons out into seagrass beds.
The amazing coloration of squids is due to the chromatophres in their skin giving them an almost electric vibrance at night,
After a handful of mid-water shots I eventually headed back to the jetty pushing directly into into the strong current for my navigation.
I saw a couple more squid during the dive but none posed for me the way this guy did.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Electric Squid' 1/100s f/22 ISO400 100mm
Friday, March 18. 2016
This beautiful creature keeps me coming back over and over looking for nudibranchs under our local jetties.
There is nothing really exotic about Ceratosoma brevicaudatum. They are common, easy to find and come in a range of sizes from the size of my fingernail to the length of my hand.
In fact it is the almost monotonous reliability of finding them that make them so awesome to me because finding them means capturing their images in so many different contexts.
This wonderful portrait presented itself to me under Edithburgh Jetty as the nudibranch lifted its head as if to 'smell the breeze' giving me a pose I'd never captured before.
I rest my case.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Ceratosoma' 1/60s f/2.8 ISO100 50mm
In the past I had described photographing hermit crabs as ‘low hanging fruit’ but this guy was not so easy.
Clarrie's Hermit Crab (Pagurixus handrecki) here under Rapid Bay Jetty is tiny, about the size of my little fingernail and was marching furiously around the top of its own private little hill.
Despite the diminutive size it looked so busy and so full of pride that I nearly missed the moment when it reached the top before starting back down the other side.
Photo: Robert Rath, ‘Top of the Hill’, 1/100s f22 ISO400 100mm
Tuesday, March 15. 2016
Everywhere I looked I saw taps and taps and more taps.
It was not the mirrors that made this bathroom extend on forever in all directions.
It was all those taps.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Infinity Bathroom', 0.3s f/18 ISO200 15mm
Monday, March 14. 2016
It's like playing dare with the ocean.
I watch for a while. Some surges rush by, water pushing and swirling past ankles and splashing my knees.
Other incoming waves stack up full of pent-up fury before consuming themselves in the retreating backwash and leaving the sand wet and bare.
I place my bet, position my tripod in the retreating backwash and set off the timer.
Three, two, one, eek (not the word I actually used), grab tripod and lift it all clear as a huge rush of water catches me by surprise drenching my shorts and nearly toppling me over.
Clean the splashes of salty water from the lens then try again, again, three, two, one, ...
Sure, I like to capture a dramatic moment but I can't deny I like the rush.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'It's a Rush, 1/5s f/14 ISO100 15mm
Sunday, March 13. 2016
The realm of art that exists somewhere between makeup and costume called body painting is obvious when walking through the Garden of Unearthly Delights.
Body painting has long been a part of people and ceremony but now more than ever we do it just for the fun of it and the art of it. An opportunity for the artist to bring some normally hidden aspect of the wearer into visual expression.
I love the art on this girl's face as it transforms her in to some reptilian otherworldly creature. An almost alien beauty, I can't help wondering if what I see represents some deeper aspect of her personality or if it is all just part of the fun of being in The Garden.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'A Different Face' 1/320s f/8 ISO800 200mm
Friday, March 11. 2016
He's not just a pretty face with pursed lips and interesting piercings but courageous as well.
Moments earlier those pursed lips held a single long stemmed flower. A moment after that the flower was struck from its tenuous grip by the supersonic crack of a stockman's whip.
Oh she was good and she's got him whipped good too in the Garden of Unearthly Delights, Adelaide Fringe Festival.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Whip It Good' 1/80s f/2.8 ISO3200 200mm
Thursday, March 10. 2016
Penny is really 'out there'. She's been working hard in Penneys Stores Galway for some time now and she is beginning to get noticed.
At first customers did not see her or if they noticed something at all it was some vague form underneath the latest impossible to wear fashion offering.
Over time she began to get noticed more and more and now management has a new problem, she is noticed more than the outfits she is models.
Perhaps it's time for Penny to think about a career change and a promotion. I think she's earned it.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Penny' 1/250s f/1.8 ISO800 50mm
Tuesday, March 8. 2016
Mo's cool. He's been hanging around Hindley Street for a few years now so he almost seems part of the furniture.
When I first met Mo he caught me completely by surprise. Not his fault though as I should really have been looking where I was going.
Being the gentleman he is thought he did not gloat at my fright or glower at my clumsiness. He simply nodded, gave me that impish smile and let me go on my way.
On the odd occasion, and from the corner of my eye, I think I've caught him dipping his hat to some unseen acquaintance or lady friends though I never could be certain.
Perhaps if I am both patient and lucky and with camera at hand I might just catch it on film.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Mo' 1/800s f/1.8 ISO100 50mm
Fifteen minutes after sunset the colour in the west reddened and deepened becoming more and more intense.
Despite the richness of colour on the horizon there was not enough light to remove the stormy gloom making he sky all the more surreal.
... and then she ran out into the surf chasing the last of the light.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'The Last of the Light, 1/8s f/18 ISO400 15mm
Sunday, March 6. 2016
When I was presented with the wine list I knew we were somewhere special.
I grew up in the picturesque German heritage town of Tanunda in the Barossa Valley, a region of vineyards, wineries and winemakers. As a child the idea of an Asian restaurant anywhere in the Barossa would have skirted the realm of scandal and novelty and certainly been a place my parents would never have entertained experiencing.
So it was with a sense of trepidation we brought my mum, now well into her eighties, to FermentAsian in Tanunda for a family celebration.
The food was amazing as expected but the real surprise was the wine cellar and its deep expression of wines the world over. A real surprise for me in my old home town.
Any yes mum loved the new and interesting food, albeit with a little encouragement.
As for the title, did you get the pun?
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Behind Bars', 1/60s f/2.0 ISO1600 50mm
Saturday, March 5. 2016
What colour is water anyway when it is supposed to be colourless. Yet we talk about the deep blue ocean, or sea green, or a golden pond at sunset or dawn.
Water reflects and refracts and absorbs and distorts and yet colours our world without any colour at all.
Actually this image really isn't about the colour of water at all. I just loved feel, the style and the not so obvious play on words.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'The Colour of Water', 2s f/20 ISO250 15mm
Friday, March 4. 2016
Context is everything and depending on who you are this might be a scene of tranquility or a scene of distress.
Below the thin dark line to the right of the bridge is a wall with a large sign 'Welcome To The Killeen Course'.
Further down below that dappled lake's surface is asphalt marked with white lines where in normal times golfers cars would be parked.
Fishing boats tied up to a small wharf have either been torn away or drowned as their lines lost slack in the rising water.
The Killarney Golf Clubhouse off to the right had been cut off for days and only just become accessible again albeit via a short crossing driving through thigh deep water.
Despite the flooding, there are some golfers out enjoying a very different course.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Context', 1/4000s f/14 ISO160 70mm
Wednesday, March 2. 2016
I spotted Dromaneen Castle on the other side of the Blackwater River while on the road from Mallow to Killarney and there ensued an all morning effort to get close enough to photograph this old Irish ruin.
After several dead ends, wrong turns and traversals down roads more suited to goats and cows than cars I was about to give up when I noticed two men with guns and hunting dogs in a field with a big sign on the gate which read 'no hunting'. Clearly these were locals. Although it was cold and raining I got out of my car and introduced myself. After a short conversation they were kind enough to give me directions to a nearby private farm where the ruins could be found, all the while looking at me with doubtful suspicion. With their thick accents and words merging into words I did not understand most of that conversation however I found out what I needed and I am sure they found some amusement in my equally strange Australian accent.
I had a similar experience with John who owned the property I finally found at the end of yet another dead end road. I was initially eyed with suspicion as I approached him going about his 'farming' business however my Australian accent again proved an ice breaker and he was more than helpful inviting me to drive through his property to shorten my walk. He then looked down at my shoes, shook his head and told me I'd need a decent pair of wellington boots. I said I'd cope! His warning was more poignant than I had imaged as the deep mud in the encircling field was just as much composed of cow manure as it was soil.
Dromaneen Castle is, or should I say was, not so much a castle but a stately 400 year old manor house which has had many occupants in all those years and had been actively lived in right up until 1940 when it was gutted by fire and abandoned.
I am glad I made the effort to get close enough to these ruins to capture its remaining pride and imagine what it might have been like living here.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'Dromaneen Castle', 1/80s f/9 ISO160 17mm
Monday, February 29. 2016
You could be forgiven in thinking this gothic style church hidden away in the side streets of Mallow is old. At nearly 200 years it is old by shopping mall standards but not nearly as old as many other churches in Ireland. Still, despite its age, the immaculate condition is a credit to to those entrusted with its upkeep for all those years.
When I came to photograph Saint James' Church I was initially disappointed that it was not lit up like many other significant churches. Very quickly I realised just how much of a blessing this turned out to be.
A moody overcast sky lit by both moonlight and by town light created a very sacred feel here as I let long exposure bring shrouded details into view on the walls, windows and spire.
I left feeling quite privileged and pondering the pride its worshipers must feel in this beautiful old building.
Photo: Robert Rath, 'The Church of Saint James', 30s f/7.1 ISO500 17mm