Tonight I spotted a this curious pair on the breakfast bar when just moments before Jennifer was complaining about some pesky fly. Strangely enough the pesky fly just vanished she said!
My immediate reaction when ever I spot a spider in the house is to catch it and let is go but it soon became obvious that this guy was not going anywhere until he had finished his meal giving me ample time to take a few photos. He actually took a few hours but when he was done there was only a husk of the fly remaining and his abdomen had swollen to twice its original size.
Because I did not want to disturb him with the bright flash of a strobe I was limited to wide apertures, natural light and slow exposures. I like these conditions anyway as natural lighting is almost always, well, more natural
Until the next post, remember to catch and let go, catch and let go. Even spiders! ...Robert
Photo: Robert Rath: And The Spider Had The Fly For Dinner