This week's photo is relic from the archives, my very first photograph of a Leafy Seadragon,
Phycodurus eques.
I was just starting out with digital underwater photography and keen to hone my skills using a 3.2 megapixel auto snapshot camera I paid $200 for. I used this little camera solidly for 18 months taking thousands of photographs. In that time I learned so much about that little camera and how to squeeze every last ounce of performance from it.
I still use this camera from time to time, especially when snorkelling. Well actually it's not the same camera as the original one met an untimely demise off the coast of Kangaroo Island but that's a story for another time!
Until the next post, take care out there and keep diving ( if that's what you do! ) ...Robert
Photo: Robert Rath Olympus C350 1/100s at f/14 ISO400 Internal Flash