This week's photo, as promised from last time, Mantis Shrimps in China.
Now as you might imagine, Shenzhen is not a dive travel destination on anyone's 'top 10'. However, it was here that I found the most amazing collection of marine life I have ever encountered in one location. At around 2am one morning while out strolling after a long working day I encountered a street absolutely alive and buzzing with people, stalls and restaurants. This was just an ordinary weekday!
There were eels, snakes, shrimp and prawns. There were dozens of varieties of molluscs, crabs, lobsters and octopus. There were reef fish and pelagics. There were fresh water species and salt water species. There were very eager Chinese ladies gesturing me to come in and partake of this diverse marine gastronomic offering!
Hungry as I may have been I simply satisfied my curiosity with a handful of photographs and made my way back to my hotel were I new that in the morning I could satisfy myself on toast, jam, orange juice and coffee.
Later that week I got to try deep friend Mantis Shrimps and they were delicious so maybe next time I'll be a little more adventurous.
Until the next post, take care out there and keep diving ( if that's what you do! ) ...Robert