We all have heard of the bush tucker treat, the witchety grub, but how many know what happens to a witchety grub when it grows up and gets its wings? Today my daughter brought home this beautiful giant moth found in the school yard. We set it down on the kitchen table and I took a couple of photographs before it when out into the garden.
After a little bit of research we discovered it was an adult witchety grub or wood moth. There are about 60 species of wood moths in Australia of the family Cossidae, the largest having a wingspan of more than 25cm. The life cycle of the 'witchety moth' is rather interesting with the grub living for up to two years before becoming a moth which will live just a few days. This one will only live for a day or two more.
Its always fun to take photos of unusual critters and this little guy was a poser for the camera!
Until the next post, pull out your bush tucker books and enjoy! ...Robert
Photo: Robert Rath